The legend of the House of Lercaro
One of the most mysterious legends that encloses the city of The Lagoon in Tenerife, it has to do with a ghost story that involves the Lercaro House.
The house of the notary public is located on the plots of land in Calle San Agustín. Gaspar Justinianidied in 1556. His descendant, Catalina Justiniani married in 1593 to the Lieutenant General of Tenerife, Francisco LercaroThe couple decided to live in the house and had a daughter. The couple decided to live in the house and had a daughter, whom they named Catalina.
Legend has it that, as was the custom at the time, Francisco Lercaro forced his daughter Catalina Lercaroat the early age of 13, to marry a man with a wealthy island chieftain. Catherine's father wanted to marry his daughter to this elderly man for two reasons: firstly, because she would receive a dowry of millions, which would increase the family's treasury; and secondly, because Catherine would not remain unmarried.
However, young Catherine did not love that manJust seeing him or hearing his name produced a feeling of disgust, revulsion and pain in her heart.
The day before the weddingher father reminded her to try on the wedding dress that had been handmade for her and to make sure that the dress was not too tight. all preparations were in order for the big day.
After this talk, Catalina went into a deep depression y consumida por la tristeza se dirigió a sus aposentos, donde pasó toda la tarde y hasta bien entrada la noche llorando sobre su cama. Se quedó dormida por varias horas y cuando despertó se dio cuenta que ya era de noche.
In her great sadness, she got up and, knowing that the rest of the house was asleep, ran to the ground floor of the house. She wanted run away from there and go far away, in order to avoiding marriage with that old man whom she did not love. The house servants and her father had the keys to the old lock very well guarded, so that Catalina found herself locked in.
According to legend, in a panic and not knowing what to do to escape from his future, which was getting closer by the hour. Catalina decided to take her own life and threw herself into the old well. The servants used to draw water for cooking, washing and cleaning.
The next morning, When one of the maids went to the well to draw water, she realised that something was preventing her from raising the bucket. A flash of light unveiled the floating, lifeless body of CatalinaWhat could be heard next was a deafening scream from the maid: Catalina girl!
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Personajes del cluedo el asesinato de casa Lercaro
Francisco Lercaro
He is a man of about fifty-three years of age and a prestigious Lieutenant General of Tenerife who came from Italy and decided to settle on the island after the conquest. He married Catalina Justiniani and together they had a daughter, Catalina. He has a good fortune, but he is very ambitious and is never satisfied with what he has. He loves his wife and daughter very much, especially his daughter, whom he wants to have a good life with a husband who will support her.
Catalina Justiniani
Es una mujer de unos cuarenta y cinco años de edad y fue la hija de un buen conocido escribano de la ciudad de La Laguna. Su padre la obligó a casarse con Francisco Lercaro, para aumentar la fortuna de la familia y para unir a dos familias italianas. Cuando Catalina dió a luz y tuvo la noticia de que el bebé era niña, se prometió a sí misma y al bebé que siempre la cuidaría y que no permitiría que su hija sufriera su misma suerte. Con ello se refería a que lucharía porque su hija se casase con alguien a quien amase de verdad.
El Cacique Alonso, el futuro marido
He is a respected Cacique of Tenerife who has a large fortune. Alonso is much older than Catalina Lercaro, he is in his fifties and has been married twice. However, their marriages did not last, because their respective wives died within 3 years of marriage due to the plague.
Dominic, steward
He is a man of about fifty-five years of age. He has always served the Lercaro family and when Francisco married Catalina Justiniani, Francisco's father asked Francisco to take him to his new home. Domingo oversees the work of the other servants and domestic servants in the house.
Blanca, Mrs. Justiniani's maid
Es una joven de unos veinticinco años de edad que se encarga de acompañar a la señora Catalina a todos los lugares donde ella va. Está llena de vida y desea con ansias casarse con un mozo que vive en Santa Cruz. Siempre realiza todas las tareas y encargos que le manda la señora con rapidez y eficiencia. Ama su trabajo, pero desea el momento de poder tener su propia casa y sus criadas.
Aurelio, the servant of Mr. Lercaro
He is a man in his forties, who has been Mr. Lercaro's servant since he was born. He does not like his job very much, because he considers Mr. Lercaro too powerful and takes advantage of his power. He is married to Alessandra, one of the family's servants, with whom they are expecting a baby. He loves his wife, but he does not like the idea of having a child, because it would mean another mouth to feed.
Letizia, the maid of Catalina Lercaro
She is a lady in her fifties who arrives at the Lercaro family home when Miss Catalina is only six years old. She is a very imposing woman who always corrects Miss Catalina on how she should eat, behave, sit, walk, talk... She does not like being Miss Catalina's maid, because she feels that Miss Catalina does not respect her. Whenever Miss Catalina does something that she thinks is wrong or out of the behaviour of a young girl, she tells her father about it in search of a good punishment that never comes.
Candelaria, the maid of Catalina Lercaro
She is the youngest in the house at only eighteen and is the daughter of Valentina, the cook. She has a very good relationship with Miss Catalina, they are like sisters, they tell each other everything and are always joking with each other and with the rest of the house staff. She was very sad to hear the news that Miss Catalina had to marry a man older than her, whom she did not love.
Elvira, sister of Catalina Justiniani
She is a woman in her fifties who was widowed two years ago and has therefore moved in with her sister Catalina. She loves her sister very much, but she envies the life she has and especially her family. She married a man who mistreated her and was not faithful to her. She longs to be a mother, which is why she has a special affection for her niece. However, she has a very cold and distant character.
Juan Alfredo, family chauffeur
He is a young man in his thirties who started working for the Lercaro family a few months ago. He is adventurous and wants to be able to travel and get off the island and see Europe. He has a very good relationship with the other people who serve the family and a close relationship with Mr. Lercaro. Whenever he has to take Miss Catalina somewhere, he always leaves a small bouquet of daisies inside the carriage, which are her favourite.
Alessandra, sirvienta 1
She is a woman of about thirty-three years of age who served the Justiniani family in the last years of her father's life. Thanks to her union with Francisco Lercaro, she met Aurelio with whom she fell madly in love until they married. Three months before Miss Catalina's death, she found out that she had become pregnant, something she had always wanted. When she told Aurelio she could feel a great disappointment and fear in his eyes, but that did not stop her from going ahead with the pregnancy.
Albertina, maid 2
She is a woman in her mid-forties who has lived a servant's life since birth. She does not know how to do anything else in her life but serve. She has little ambition in life since she lost her son when she was only five years old. Since then she lives in a continuous depression.
Manuel, servant 1
He is a man in his thirties who moved from Gran Canaria to Tenerife at the age of twenty in search of a job. He made good friends with Juan Alfredo, as they were not only the same age, but also had the same sense of humour. Whenever he could, he escaped from his job to go with Juan to La Verdellada and look down on the city of La Laguna from above.
Octavio, servant 2
He is a man in his fifties who has served several families in Tenerife all his life. He has a terminal illness that prevents him from climbing the stairs of the house, which is why he is always on the ground floor. He is in love with Elvira, Mrs. Catalina's sister, but no matter how many gifts he buys her and poems he dedicates to her, he cannot soften her heart.
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